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[공통] (GIST AI + ME) GIST Mini Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineering

작성자기계공학부  조회수2,141 Date2021-11-11
심포지엄 참가신청서.hwp [18 KB] 심포지엄 참가신청서.hwp바로보기
211117 기계공학부 미니심포_포스터 수정 (크기축소).pdf [621 KB]
Program Book_2021_GIST Mini Symposium on AI for ME_v2.pdf [291.9 KB]

Registration : 첨부파일의 참가 신청서 작성 및 제출 (내/외부인 참석가능)
등록기한 : ~11월 30일(화)
제출처 : me_symposium@gist.ac.kr

*방역관리 지침에 따라 신청에 제한이 있을 수 있으며, 자세한 사항은 제출 후 안내메일을 참조하여 주시기 바랍니다.
*해당 심포지엄은 온/오프라인으로 진행되며, 참가신청서 제출 후 참가 부탁드립니다.

*온라인 참석자께서는 아래 ZOOM링크를 통해 참석 가능합니다.

Topic: GIST Symposium on AI for ME

Time: Dec 10, 2021 07:00 AM Seoul




Meeting ID: 885 1402 9063

Passcode: GIST-AI-ME

GIST Mini Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineering
Time Dec. 9th Thursday (17:00 ~ 19:30)
17:00~18:00 GIST Lab Tour
18:00~19:30 Welcome Reception
Time Dec. 10th Friday (08:00 ~ 13:30)
07:30~08:00 Coffee and Cookies
Plenary Session
Chair : Prof. Solkeun Jee (GIST)
ME 114, 228, 102
08:00~08:05 Opening Remark

Mechanics Meet Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Amir Barati Farimani (Carnegie Mellon U., USA)

08:45~09:25 An ANN-Based Model-Order-Reduction Method for Large-Scale TO Designs, Prof. Wenjing Ye (Hong Kong UST, CHN)

Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, Prof. Steven Brunton (U. Washington, USA)

10:05~10:20 Break and Refreshment
Fluid Dynamics with AI
Chair : Prof. Seongim Choi (GIST)
ME 114
Structural Design Optimization
Chair : Prof. Jaewook Lee (GIST)
ME 228
System Health Diagnosis
Chair : Prof. Hyunseok Oh (GIST)
ME 102
10:20~10:50 End-to-End Differential Learning of Turbulence Model from Indirect Observation Data
Prof. Heng Xiao (VA-Tech, USA)
Structural Optimizations for Additively Manufactured Functional Structures
Prof. Akihiro Takezawa (Waseda U., JPN)
Physics-informed Machine Learning for Battery Health Prognostics – Challenges, Data Acquisition, and Methodologies
Prof. Chao Hu (Iowa State U., USA)
10:50~11:20 Turbulence Modeling with Machine Learning for Separated Flows
Prof. Solkeun Jee (GIST)
Bone Microstructure Reconstruction from Clinical CT Scan Data
Prof. In Gwun Jang (KAIST)
AI Meets Physics vs. Physics Meets AI
Prof. Seungchul Lee (POSTECH)
11:20~11:50 Fluid Dynamic Control and Optimization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Prof. Donghyun You (POSTECH)
Topology Optimization using PINN
Prof. Jaewook Lee (GIST)
Smart Diagnostic Robot for Patrol Inspection of Underground Transmission System
Prof. Ki Yong Oh (Hanyang U.)
11:50~12:20 Data-Driven Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis and Design Method
Prof. Seongim Choi (GIST)
AI-powered Generative Design
Prof. Namwoo Kang (KAIST)
Machine Health Diagnosis with AI
Prof. Hyunseok Oh (GIST)
12:20~13:30 Lunch
This symposium will be held on- and off-line due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Detail information along with any update is posted in the GIST ME webpage me.gist.ac.kr.