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로봇, 우주항공, 기계기반기술 분야를 선도하는 글로벌 미래 인재 양성



[ME 세미나] 2022.12.8. (목) 16:30 / 김태성 교수(덴마크 대학)

작성자기계공학부  조회수122 Date2022-12-05

# Title : Aeroelasticity and Dynamics of Wind Turbine Systems

# Date : 2022. 12.8. (Thu) 16:30

# Speaker : Prof. Taeseong Kim(University of Denmark)

# Host : Prof. Choi, Seonggim

# Language : English

# Method : ZOOM (회의 ID: 832 366 2730 / 암호: me2022)


   Wind energy is projected to supply at least 50% of the European electricity demand by 2050, which is a significant growth opportunity for European companies. Currently, wind energy employs 300,000 people. Achieving the ambition of 50% wind powered electricity by 2050 will require 300GW of offshore wind power. This goal can only be achieved if the cost of producing one kWh using wind energy continues to decrease to a level where it becomes completely competitive with oil and gas without any subsidies. 

   The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) recently published a report that larger wind turbines and larger offshore wind projects reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) of a wind farm (WF) by more than 23% relative to the average fixed-bottom offshore wind farm installed in 2019. It projects that the majority of 300GW electricity generation to meet the EU target by 2050 will be delivered by very large future turbines. 

   Siemens Gamesa is currently testing a 14MW (222m rotor diameter) offshore wind turbine (OWT), Vestas manufactures a 15MW (236m rotor diameter) OWT, and MingYang, is building a 16MW (242m rotor diameter) OWT. Increased turbine sizes with larger rotor diameters that capture more wind power are an important cost reduction driver. The next big technological revolution in wind power is the move from bottom fixed to floating solutions. The advantage of floating wind turbines is that there are no fixed theoretical size limits, other than engineering and economics. Therefore, it is foreseen that the rated capacity of OWT will increase continuously, exceeding 25MW (over 300m rotor diameter) in the next ten years based on the current OWT industry design trends. Therefore, it is very important to have proper numerical tools which can predict its complicated dynamic responses. 

   In this presentation, I will introduce a basic theory of wind turbine aeroelasticity and I will introduce a few available numerical tools to simulate wind turbine dynamics. Furthermore, I will show some state-of-the-art technologies in both on- and off-shore wind turbines, which can tackle technical challenges to improve the wind turbine performances resulting in the cost of energy reduction. More specifically, I will talk about dynamic behaviors of a floating wind turbine system with different control strategies where I performed both numerical and experimental studies with a scaled DTU 10MW reference wind turbine with a tension leg platform. I will also present an innovative rotor design to reduce the extreme loads for a wind turbine system under typhoon conditions. Finally, I will share some of on-going research activities about wind energy in cold climates.